VIDEO: “To Bring or To Not Bring the Boyfriend”

So today we are addressing the long discussed debate of "To Bring or To Not Bring the Boyfriend" to your pageant. Some girls believe that it is encouraging to have the support of their boyfriend throughout the pageant while others say that their boyfriends are just a distraction.

So let's go to the experts...we'll ask a few titleholders what they think on "To Bring or To Not Bring the Boyfriend".

Watch the videos below to see all 5 "Pageant Boyfriend" types!

So if you've ever brought your boyfriend to a pageant he's sure to fall into one of these "Pageant Boyfriend" categories:
1) "Yes" Boyfriend
2) "Don't Care" Boyfriend
3) "Cares Too Much" Boyfriend
4) "Flirting Too Much With Other Contestants" Boyfriend
5) "I Think He Wants To Compete" Boyfriend

So we want to hear from YOU! Let us know what type of "Pageant Boyfriend" you have/had along with any stories in the comments below 🙂

-Will the Pageant Guy  

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11 Replies to “VIDEO: “To Bring or To Not Bring the Boyfriend””

  1. Unfortunately, I have the “Pageants are sexist” boyfriend. He doesn’t want me in a swimsuit infront of an audience to look at me like a piece of meat. He doesn’t think you have to be talented, smart, or well versed to wear a crown … He may not last long. lol

  2. Sorry to hear that Elissa! I’m sure if he understood that pageants promote personal development, self confidence, and are instrumental in helping one define and reach goals he’d change his mind : ) Good luck!

  3. I just stumbled across this blog and I’m not usually one to comment but I must say that this might be the best answer describing a pageant that I’ve ever heard! Now why didn’t I think of that? 🙂
    -Jessica Boyington (Miss New Jersey USA 2006)

  4. Jessica, glad you found my blog and thanks for the kind words…I may have made the comment but I’m sure your making it happen in real life 🙂

  5. Wow, we need to talk every day. You make me feel good about myself. I’ll come back here when I’m having a bad time tomorrow. Ok? Cool. Thanks. 🙂

  6. Aww thanks Jessica! is home to me and you and anyone else are always welcome to visit!

  7. I have the “Ill support you but I don’t want to hear about it” boyfriend.He want me to do well but he doesnt much care to see all the hard work or effort that goes into all.If I watch a video of a pageant he complains.Not to mention whenever theres something I need to buy for a pageant he tries to talk me into something cheaper.He’s a wonderful boyfriend but he just doesnt understand pageants.

  8. Sounds like Boyfriend Type #2 lol…try sharing with him how much pageants mean to you, similar to something that he’s passionate about in life and hopefully you can find common ground 🙂

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