VIDEO: Miss Texas Teen USA 2014 – Crowning

Kellie Stewart, a 16 year old junior representing Dallas at the Miss Texas Teen USA 2014 pageant, was crowned Miss Texas Teen USA 2014 on December 1, 2013.

Moments before, Kellie responded to her onstage question regarding the removal of the Pledge of Allegiance from schools:

"I do not think all. The Pledge of Allegiance is what represents our country, it represents all of the people that are fighting for our country, who have given their lives...the families that have sacrificed. 

I don't think -- at all -- that we should ever take that out. As long as we are American citizens, we should stand up teach the younger generations what it is all about."

Watch the Miss Texas Teen USA 2014 crowning below.

Video by Zac Grimaldo/Pixelbroom and

-Will the Pageant Guy                                                                                                 

VIDEO: Christina Zapolski – Miss South Carolina USA 2014

During the Miss South Carolina USA and Miss South Carolina Teen USA 2014 pageant weekend, I had the opportunity to get a behind-the-scenes look with the staff and contestants including a few interviews.

Immediately after being crowned the new Miss South Carolina USA 2014, Christina Zapolski spoke to Miss South Carolina USA 2013, Megan Pinckney about her win.

Be sure to follow Christina on Twitter at: @RealMissSCusa

-Will the Pageant Guy

VIDEO: K. Lee Graham – Miss South Carolina Teen USA 2014

During the Miss South Carolina USA and Miss South Carolina Teen USA 2014 pageant weekend, I had the opportunity to get a behind-the-scenes look with the staff and contestants including a few interviews.

Immediately after being crowned the new Miss South Carolina Teen USA 2014, K. Lee Graham spoke to Miss South Carolina USA 2013, Megan Pinckney about her win.

Be sure to follow K. Lee on Twitter at: @RealMissSCteen

-Will the Pageant Guy

VIDEO: Miss Texas Teen USA 2013 – Behind the Scenes

This weekend, the state of Texas will witness over 100 young ladies from across the Lone Star state compete for the coveted title of Miss Texas Teen USA 2014.

Each year I have the amazing opportunity to attend the Miss Texas Teen USA pageant, however last year was the first to capture what happens behind-the-scenes at one of the country’s more closely followed state pageant.

Below is a short video giving you a glimpse of last year’s Miss Texas Teen USA pageant.

Thanks to Zac Grimaldo/PixelBroom for video production.

-Will the Pageant Guy


VIDEO: Angelia Layton – Miss Utah USA 2014

During the Miss Utah USA and Miss Utah Teen USA 2014 pageant weekend, I had the opportunity to get a behind-the-scenes look with the staff and contestants including a few interviews.

Immediately after being crowned the new Miss Utah USA 2014, Angelia Layton spoke to Miss Utah USA 2013, Marissa Powell about her win.

Be sure to follow Angelia on Twitter at: @RealMissUTusa

-Will the Pageant Guy