11 Ways to Know You’re a TEXAS Pageant Girl

I'm a Texan. Born in good ol' Fort Worth aka Cowtown...aka Funkytown.

Yes, I do drive a truck and no I do not ride a horse to school or work...although I am not necessarily against it!

I do rock some killer boots, and the love for my dog is best described in any country music song (nope, my dog hasn't died).

As any normal Texas guy would agree, we appreciate a respectable Texas girl.

It goes without saying that Texas girls are pretty amazing...God Bless Texas! But what's better than a Texas girl?

A TEXAS Pageant Girl.

Beautiful, smart, charming, polite, independent, wears a crown, avoids anything outdoors between April to October to keep her spray tan from melting -- this list could go on and on -- but here are 11 Ways to Know You're a TEXAS Pageant Girl:

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11) You have used "Y'all!" comfortably during interview on more than one occasion.


Hey y'all! It's a Texas thang.

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10) You know where the saying, "The higher the hair, the closer you are to God!" truly originated from...TEXAS!

Higher the Hair2

Still not convinced? Just go here and here.

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9) You dread having to drive on I-45 again to visit your pageant coach.


At least you get to stop by Buc-ee's on the way and pick up some beaver nuggets!

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8) You've considered going to TCU for college.

tcu logo

Texas Christian University's enrollment record is a who's who of numerous pageant titleholders including Miss America, Miss Texas, Miss Texas' Outstanding Teen, Miss Texas Teen USA, Miss Teen USA, and many other pageant ladies...and they have a better football team than Lindenwood.

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7) You've tried on your evening gown with boots on.


I'm sure you even took a picture of it too! Fire up your old MySpace account...I bet you have pictures posted on there 🙂

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6) You've competed as a blonde at least once in a pageant.

Ana Rodriguez-blond

Don't lie...you've tried it at least once! (Above: Miss Texas USA 2011 - Ana Rodriguez as a blonde back in 2006)

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5) You've done an opening number wearing boots and cut-offs to an old school honky tonk jam.

Boots ?  Cut-offs ?  Tied Crop Tops ?  Fist pumps ?  All the ingredients of a successful opening number in Texas!

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4) You wear your Texas shaped necklace with as much pride as your crown.


When you're not wearing a crown, there's nothing better to show off your Texas pageant pride by wearing a blinged out necklace in the size and shape of the Lone Star state.

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3) You acknowledge that GuyRex is to Texas pageantry as Tom Landry is to the Dallas Cowboys.


GuyRex, leader of women...Tom Landry, leader of men. GuyRex, 6 Miss USA's from Texas and Architect of the Texas Aces...Tom Landry, 2 time Super Bowl Champion. #TexasLegends

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2) You've dreamt about being the first girl to win both Miss Texas and Miss Texas USA.

MAO crown4 USA Crown

Quite possibly the only state in the country that hasn't had one girl to win both the USA and MAO state titles.

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1) You've had a post-pageant meal at Whataburger.


I'll have a number 6 Whatasized with a side of ranch...and a Diet Coke. Don't forget the Fancy Ketchup 😉


(Photos courtesy of TexasPageantScene.com, Miss Texas USA, Miss Texas Organization, GuyRex, Ana Rodriguez, Betty Warner, TCU, Whataburger, Buc-ees, and the Internet!)


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